Friday, 19 June 2020

Latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap coverage for clavicular and supraclavicular defect after sarcoma excision

Soft tissue Sarcoma, over the clavicular and supraclavicular region. Treated with wide local excision and the residual raw area was covered with a Latissimus Dorsi Musculocutaneous flap, which was routed anteriorly into the defect. Post operatively flap is well settled in the defect and the healthy donor site with out any loss of skin. 

Upper eyelid, eyebrow, forehead and scalp Avulsion - Repair of the eyelid and rest of the wounds with restoration of normal appearance

Vikas Chapdi, met with a road traffic accident and sustained a severe injury to scalp , forehead, temporal and upper eyelid region on right side. 
Prompt repair of the upper eyelid , forehead, scalp and temporal region resulted in the good healing and very faint scars which are almost invisible. 

Crush injury of wrist and forearm with extensive degloving of the skin - Skin Grafting and Debridements

21 year old young Tanvir Fatima suffered a runover by a heavy vehicle over left hand, wrist and forearm. To her luck, there was no injury to the vascular supply of the hand, and it was only a degloving of the skin around the wrist and distal forearm. The devitalised skin was derided and negative pressure dressing was applied to improve the wound.
The final wound coverage was done by split thickness skin grafting. Complete functional rehabilitation of the hand and wrist apart from good take of the skin graft was achieved after 6 weeks after the final wound closure procedure. 

Microvascular repair of the Digital Artery of the Index finger in 7 month old child

Seven month old Harshita, accidentally sustained a cut injury over her palm over thenar eminence extending into the 2nd webspace damaging the ulnar digital artery of the index finger without damaging the digital nerve. The thenar eminence was cut damaging the muscles of the thenar eminence. 
the muscles of the thenar eminence were identified, isolated and repaired. 
Microvascular repair of the transected Digital artery of the index finger was done. 

Perineal and thing burns (deep) - Healed by Multiple Debridements and Split thickness Skin grafting

Muthyalu, a 25 year old worker in a ceramic factory, accidentally fell on a hot surface and suffered burns over his perineum, inner thighs and buttocks and legs and face. 
Most of the burns were full thickness deep grade 4 burns. Multiple debridements were done to excise the burn tissue. Simultaneously a Diverting colostomy was done to prevent soiling the burn wounds. A negative pressure wound dressing was applied to improve the wounds. Once the wounds were healthy without any infection, Wound coverage was done with split thickness skin grafting.