Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Extensive Anogenital warts - One and half year kid

Raw area post cauterization of the warts.

Focal recurrences after first cauterization 

Final photograph of healed area with minimal scarring

Severe Anogenital warts in 1 1/2 year old Patient from Somalia. Underwent treatment locally conservatively which was unsuccessful.  Due to microscopic presence of virus in the adjacent normal appearing skin, the chances of recurrence was explained to the parents. 
Electrocautery with ring tip was planned. 
Extensive electrocautery of the warts was done under general anesthesia. Cautery had to be run little deeper in the skin at some areas to cauterize the parts of warts which were deep. 
Post cautérisation the resultant raw area was managed by daily and regular dressing sometimes many times a day. After few weeks there was evidence of recurrent lesions on peri anal area and in the mucocutaneous junction of the anus and posterior commissure of vagina. Electrocautery was planned again and after few weeks post cauterization there was no evidence of new lesions. The raw areas post cauterization healed well with mild scarring. Patient was given instructions for focal chemical cauterization in case of focal recurrences in the form of imiquimod and the patient left for Somalia on 17-3-2020.