Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Base of the thumb tendon reconstruction with full thickness graft

 This middle aged lady came with an injury over base of right thumb with injury to extensor tendons(APL) of the thumb and associated skin loss and surrounding abrasions(grazed). Debridement was done and the damaged tendons were isolated. The tendons were debrided and were immediately reconstructed by mobilizing the tendons from the forearm. The reconstructed tendon was covered by the adjacent viable soft tissue and then a full thickness skin graft was applied on the raw area. the donor site was elbow crease which was closed primarily. 
A well healed full thickness graft on the base of the thumb with normal function of the thumb.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Absent Right Nose - Nasal Reconstruction

Girl in her twenties presented with a facial anomaly.
She has absence of Right sided nostril, with orbital dystopia of right side and hypertelorism.
She was advised correction of hypertelorism with orbital dystopia and Nasal reconstruction in second stage. But she opted for only nasal reconstruction only. 
Right side nostril is reconstructed with forehead flap. Eyebrow on the right side is repositioned superiorly by a z plasty. Furthermore Augmentation of the nasal dorsum was done as third stage surgery. 

Friday, 18 October 2019

Wrist wound - Abdominal flap coverage

Patient presented with wound over the left wrist. The important tendons of the wrist flexor aspect and radial artery was exposed. 
History of injection of chemotherapy agents for cancer breast was present. 
Post chemotherapy the skin over the left wrist on the volar aspect turned black and had to be debrided. 
After debridement the the vital structures of the wrist were exposed. 
The wound was closed by using an Abdominal flap.
An inferiorly based abdominal flap was elevated and was inset in to the wound. 
Flap was divided after 3 weeks and donor site was closed primarily. There were no donor site complications.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Perforator Flap for Post traumatic Exposed TendoAchilles tendon

Exposed Tendoachilles tendon after repair of the ruptured tendon due to skin necrosis
Local Perforator based flap elevated and the exposed tendon was closed
ankle movements were preserved due to intact tendoachilled

Friday, 2 August 2019

V-Y Advancement Flap for Finger tip injuries

Industrial accident leading to finger tip injuries  with loss of tip
V-Y advancement flap done for tip reconstruction to preserve the length of the finger.